Medical Illustration
Color Work
Bone Remodeling
This illustration depicts how mechanical loading stimulates bone remodeling.
Hemorrhoid Ligation
This image depicts the anatomy and location of hemorrhoids along with a method of surgical removal.
Psoraitic Arthritis
Mock editorial cover. AMI Salon Award of Merit winner.
Superficial Facial Nerve
This is an anatomical illustration depicting branches of the facial nerve.
Tribute to Frank Netter
Mock editorial cover re-creating the heart illustration by Frank netter in a watercolor style.
Neurodegeneration caused by intra-ocular pressure.
Anxiolytic Effects of Echinacea
Mock editorial cover the relaxing effects of Echinacea tea.
Line Work
Traditional Pen and Ink illustration.
Gloved hands with surgical instrument.
Vector Illustration
Anterior and posterior view of the knee.
Vector Illustration
Hand illustration.
Vector Illustration
Digestive system
Traditional Pen and Ink illustration.
Surgical instrument.
Vector Illustration
Transverse section through the right eye.
Vector Illustration
Anterior view of the heart and associated arteries.
Anatomical Planes and Landmarks
Vector Illustration
Hand illustrations.
Vector Illustration
Anterior view of the rib cage and spine.
Fine Art
Pencil Portrait
Drawing done from a model in the Richard Halstead Portrait Studio
Shore Specimen
Watercolor of a shell. My first scientific illustration!
Pencil Portrait
Drawing done from a model in the Richard Halstead Portrait Studio
Colored Pencil Rabbit
Prismacolor pencil on frosted mylar.
Pencil Portrait
Drawing done from a model in the Richard Halstead Portrait Studio
Colored Pencil Tulips
Prismacolor pencil on Bristol
Elementus Branding
Logo design created for Elementus Illustrations.
Marketing Brochure Design
Created for the graduate program in Neuroscience at the University of Illinois
at Chicago.
Elementus Branding
Branding collateral created for Elementus Illustrations.
Elementus Branding
Envelope design created for Elementus Illustrations.